AIDA/Web 6.0 Release notes
AIDA/Web 6.0 beta 2
-- On: 04/25/2009 18:11:18.000
- - AIDASite keywords in settings, for global http header keywords for all site contents
- - WebApplication mustBeEncrypted not for login page (commented out)
--- On: 04/24/2009 19:27:34.000
- two way synced with Squeak 5.7-jm.3
--- On: 04/23/2009 12:31:09.000
- - WebApplication printWebPage registerStreamedFields after context is known
- - VW specific! in comment of every platform specific methods
- - patch: AIDASite styleClass nme, not name, which is instvar!
--- On: 04/20/2009 13:49:12.000
- - WebForm prepareActionStringOn: added, anchor must be always at the end! (this solve IE6 problem not supporting anchors in the middle of query part)
- - WebStyle searchButton moved to DefaultWebStyle
- - WebPage printHTML... self clear, no need to context form clear separately
- - HTTPRequest view skips anchor, if present (?view=edit#ancor123)
--- On: 04/19/2009 16:55:52.000
- - WebUserApp, allow changing only password to locked users
- - DefaultWebStyle cssPrintMethods divided into more, numbered, ...
- - WebElement addPageBreak now works on FF and IE!
- - printing now works on FF an IE!
- - WebScript doesn't add script tag if already exist
- - patch: WebStyle css: print exact class holding that css method
- - patch: WebApplication clear added, clears its own page and a form
- - patch: WebElement clears scripts too
--- On: 04/17/2009 21:44:23.000
- - self app style htmlHeaderElements
--- On: 04/17/2009 20:25:43.000
- - no more #doesNotUnderstand in WebApplication!
--- On: 04/17/2009 17:15:05.000
- - WebUser locking to prevent changes of reserved user Admin, Guest, ...
- - WebUser, WebUserGroup preferedUrl for nice Urls
--- On: 04/17/2009 15:51:38.000
- - preparing to discontinue #doesNotUnderstand in WebApplication
- - WebApplication pageContentWidth temporary added just to delegate to style (too many methods use it to change them all)
- - WebStyle removing obsolete methods (colors etc),
- - WebStyle making it standalone, workable if you use it instead of DefaultWebStyle
- - element = e
--- On: 04/16/2009 14:36:25.000
- - WebForm clear removed
- - WebApplication clear delegated to current context''s form
- - WebElement printString - div, id, class
- - WebElement clear clears tables too
--- On: 04/16/2009 9:18:09.000
- - WebApplication delegate #add, #table, #cell etc to the form of current context
- - WebContext session to return app session
--- On: 04/15/2009 21:09:10.000
- major refactorings because of execution contexts:
- - WebApplication: no more current view, form and context.
- - WebApplication refactoring to use req context instead of current view, app etc.
- - HTTPRequest context, context: to carry an execution context through req lifecycle
- - Object firstContextFromStack to find it with stack climbing to the first request
- - WebElement context to find it from above form or with stack climbing
- - WebApplciation no more cleanup, clear !
- - WebPage printHTMLPage... self clear, self context form initElements
- - AIDASite inifFavicon initCache, really needed?
--- On: 04/11/2009 8:06:18.000
- - WebGrid canFilterObject:.. auto convert value to string
--- On: 04/11/2009 8:01:47.000
- - WebAdminApp sitesElement, sorted, ..
- - WebGrid buildTableRows no more two lines in one (when identical objs) (patch by Herbert and Alex)
- - DailyCollection firstDayInYear: added
- - AIDASite styleClass: argument can be string or class
- - AIDASite redirectOn: if location happens to be nil...
--- On: 03/20/2009 12:47:40.000
- - Date class nameOfSloMonth
--- On: 03/15/2009 14:52:03.000
- - Object aidaIsAssociation
--- On: 03/15/2009 13:33:59.000
- - WebApplication ensureContextForView:, ask: (control flow support)
- - WebUserGroupApp userSelectionElement with sorted users
- - demo control flow App
- - Object firstSessionOnStack from first, WebApp, WebContext or AIDASite
- - WebElement identationLevel work also if app is not there
--- On: 02/23/2009 22:19:45.000
- - WebContext processes and semaphores introduced
- - WebApplication printedWebPageFor: redirect to context, if it is able to execute the request (has its process waiting for that
--- On: 02/23/2009 17:56:39.000
- - WebContext form moved here from WebApplication
- - WebContext ids moved here from WebForm
- - WebApplication findContextSameViewFor: temporary one context per view
--- On: 02/22/2009 21:03:46.000
- Context ids in all requests, posts and ajax
- - WebContext, WebContextFirst with most methods implemented
- - WebApplication private-context with context support methods
- - printWebPageFor: find or create context at the start, reports error if no context id in post or ajax requests
- - acceptInputsFrom: no more regeneration, no more view comparison needed
- - HTTPRequest contextId from query part or post data
- - WebForm no more hidden field, context id (aidaCtx) in form action url
- - WebElement ajaxCallUrlParametersFor: added context id (aidaCtx) to url
- - WebAutocompleteField addSetupScript
- - WebSessionManager findOrCreateSession, not findOrMakeSession !
--- On: 02/21/2009 22:28:11.000
- - class categories adjusted to package names
--- On: 02/21/2009 22:21:33.000
- - WebContext introduced, also context to WebApplication, HTTPRequest
--- On: 02/21/2009 20:55:05.000
- - comments refreshed
- - copyright changed: (c) Janko Mivsek and Aida community
--- On: 02/21/2009 20:16:44.000
- new 5.7 branch for introduction of tree-like control flow
--- On: 02/21/2009 20:15:33.000
- - FileProxy filename deals with platform specifics
- - WebStatisticsApp adjustViewingDate - check month format
--- On: 02/17/2009 14:09:27.000
- - WebGrid sortLinkColumn: do not sort, if column is numbered
- - WebUser passwordAsHex, to return hex string, not just numbers
- - Company importEmployeesFrom moved out of here, to BiArt
--- On: 02/12/2009 10:54:26.000
- - WebSessionManager findSessionWithUsername: findAllSessionWithUsername:
--- On: 02/07/2009 18:52:24.000
- Image button support added:
- - WebElement addButtonGif: Png: ...
- - WebButton image:, some other cleanup
- - WebApplication buttonNameFrom: in case of image buttons return x y coordinates!
--- On: 02/07/2009 13:44:30.000
- -Person, remove purposes
- -I8N package comment
--- On: 01/31/2009 14:23:33.000
- Ajax periodic updater caused browser slowdown after few minutes. Patch by Facundo Ciccioli solves the problem.
- - see WebElement updateEverySeconds:with:
--- On: 01/28/2009 19:34:19.000
- URLResolver urlFromHalfUrl:on: host name value
--- On: 01/26/2009 21:16:01.000
- - DefaultWebStyle body font size 11pt instead 90%, line-height down to 1.2em
- - WebRichEditor contentStyleUrl - use WebStyle richEditorStyleSheet!
- - WebStyle richEditorStyleSheet - closing } missed !, exact font sizes added
- - AIDASite redirectOn: replaced XHTML''s & back to &, otherwise cycling redirect!
--- On: 01/26/2009 9:22:08.000
- -WebFormElement autoConverToString, aidaIsAssociation to to the end!
- -WebElement tagClosing, use app if page cannot be found through parent chain
--- On: 01/20/2009 21:45:09.000
- XHTML support introduced:
- - WebPage doctypes, HTML, XHTML, Strict, Transitional
- - WebPage isXHTML
- - WebElement webPage, to find a page to which this element belongs
- - WebElement tagClosing /> on XHTML!
- - WebLink properAmpersand: & instead & in XHTML urls!
- - many elements patched to generate proper XHTML valid code
--- On: 01/20/2009 9:47:57.000
- -Party nameNonEmpty added
--- On: 01/19/2009 18:27:26.000
- -WebPage htmlDocType support added (HTML4.01 transitional, XHTML10 Strict etc)
- -WebPage htmlTagAttributes, for adding attributes to a html tag
--- On: 01/05/2009 7:35:36.000
- WebSecurityManager
- - setAclForWhoFromRequest added
- - vieAclForObjects
- - viewAclOfObject self title: aclObject name asString
--- On: 01/05/2009 7:20:44.000
- - Security: WebUserApp, WebUserGroupApp added
- - WebUser website added
--- On: 12/19/2008 15:25:26.000
- -WebSession loginUserWithName:surname:
- -WebSecurityManager userWithName: surname:
--- On: 12/07/2008 23:39:00.000
- WebCache purgeCache assoc value associations
--- On: 12/07/2008 23:07:21.000
- WebAdmin aidaCache false by default!
--- On: 12/07/2008 23:01:26.000
- AIDASite initializeDefaultSettings, styleClass: DefaultWebStyle
--- On: 12/07/2008 21:50:30.000
- Caching introduced. Global cache for all sessions, for now.
- - WebCache, WebCacheEntry classes added
- - Object aidaCacheView:on:, aidaCacheTimeout
- - AIDASite cache in system services
- - AIDASite responding from cache in answer:toGetOrPostOn:
- - WebAdmin aidaCacheView:on: for benchm. cached vs.generated
--- On: 12/02/2008 13:13:55.000
- SpDate firstDayInMonth was not moved from WebFrameApp
--- On: 12/02/2008 13:08:46.000
- WebStatisticsApp, date is now here instead on WebFrameApp!
--- On: 12/02/2008 12:58:42.000
- WebStatisticsApp adjustViewingDate added
--- On: 12/02/2008 12:55:10.000
- WebStatisticsApp instvar date moved here from removed WebFrameApp
--- On: 12/02/2008 11:30:29.000
- -WebIndex privIndexObject indexTitle switced off for now
- -WebDemo, DemoApp, rich text editor demo alive again
--- On: 12/02/2008 12:47:54.000
--- On: 12/02/2008 11:24:20.000
- -WebSecurityManagerApp uplift, nicer tables etc
- -WebFrameApp removed, all subclasses now directly from WebApplication
- -ViewTabs, selected one is now clickable!
- -SwazooAida demoStop, besides demoStart (less confusing)
- -SwazooServer renamed aidaStart/Stop to aidaDemoStart/Stop
- -SpDate added date methods from WebFrameApp
--- On: 11/12/2008 20:15:46.000
- syncing from Squeak Aida5.6-np.53 to np.84
- - Moved String>>replaceSpecialCharacters from Scribo to AIDA
- - New header :)
- - Improved WebLightbox to work with ajaxified components
- - Added AIDASite class>>convertIRItoURL:
- - WebGrid>>sortlLinkColumn: cannot sort if addBlock
- - Removed some css methods from DefaultWebStyle (only used in Scribo) and moved to ScriboStyle
- - Added style inst var to WebStyle for dynamic css content
- - Fixed WebApplication>>checkObserveeLanguageFor:
- - Fixed WebElement>>ajaxCallUrl for UTF-8
- - Fixed WebSession>>isActive and isExpired o use SpTimestamp
- - New aida logo! :)
- - Now WebStyle>>importImagesFromDirectory: uses SPort
--- On: 11/10/2008 22:33:38.000
- -WebComponent default initialize call removed from #new, it breaks too many existing components!
--- On: 11/10/2008 22:01:37.000
- Sync from Squeak Aida5.6-np.32 to janko.52
- - WebCaptcha added (but not adjusted yet to VW!)
- - some other changes
- - Renamed the old webGrid style method to #oldCss24WebGrid
- - Added a new WebGrid style in DefaultWebStyle
- - Added WebGrid>>width: accessor
- - Added WebGrid>>width accessor
- - Removed WebGrid>>tableWidth
- - Changed WebFileInputField>>acceptFileAttributesFrom:field: formultibyte filename support
- - Changed how #build is called in WebComponent (build is no longer called during the instance creation, but during the printing
- phase, through #printHTMLPageOn:forSession:)
- - Removed DefaultWebStyle>>wikiPageFrameWith:title:
- - Removed DefaultWebStyle>>sitePageFrameWith:title:
- - Improved WebComponent: WebComponent new now call #build method
- - Added WebSession>>queryAt: and also queryStringAt: for getting (internal) multibyte string value from encoded URL
- - Changed AIDASIte>>redirectOn: for supporting redirection to international URL
- - Fixed WebSecuritymanager>>userNamed:withPassword:
- - Fixed WebAdminApp isRegistrationValid
- - Fixed WebUser>>password: (in case password is empty)
- Improved WebStyle/WebDefaultStyle separation (allCssScreen,PrintMethods)
- -WebStatistics>>collectStatsFrom: -- fix for international urls
--- On: 11/10/2008 19:54:49.000
Manually change subclases of WebStyle to superclass WebDefaultStyle.
WebStyle allInstances do: :style | style changeClassTo: WebDefaultStyle.
Load also other packages with subclasses of WebStyle!
- - Squeak Aida5.6-np.51 Splitted WebStyle into 2 classes: Webtyle (now an abstract class), and DefaultWebStyle, which is the new default style.
- - AIDASite styleClass ''DefaultWebStyle'' instead of ''WebStyle''
--- On: 11/10/2008 19:16:21.000
- - URLResolver halfUrlFor: aWebPage #name, changed to #title
- - WebIndexApp resultsElement C link was not to self observee
--- On: 11/10/2008 18:53:34.000
Syncing from Squeak Aida5.6-mivsek.3 to Aida5.6-np.50
- - WebLivePDFCreator now uses SPort SpFilenamechanged WebStyle>>pageFrameWith:wide:title: self app htmlHeadersElement
- - Scriptaculous integration (methods in WebElement category events-effects&dragdrop)
- - WebRichEditor>>language, english is now the default language
- - Translated WebHelpPageApp>>viewMain to english
- - Improved WebIndex to index also #indexTitle, not only #indexText
- - Fixed WebIndexApp>>resultsElement
- - WebSession>>originatorLanguageFrom: will see ''Accept-Language'' header field to support preferable language
--- On: 10/31/2008 19:21:14.000
- -WebStatistics removeReferersJustOneHit and older that 7days
--- On: 10/23/2008 15:59:55.000
- - WebStatisticsApp referers legend: bold = new in last 7 days
- - patch: WebCounter day was used as local var!
--- On: 10/23/2008 15:30:18.000
- - WebStatisticsApp new referers since last 7 days bold
- - WebCounter isFirstOnDate:sinceDays:
--- On: 10/21/2008 17:01:15.000
- -WebElement: Scriptaculous effects, dragdrop, sortable support, partial!
--- On: 10/21/2008 13:31:16.000
- - Ajax improvements (WebForm, WebApplication):
- - correct relacement of refreshed element with old one
- - form ids have now replacementAnnouncements too
- - WebApplication pasteFromClipboardTitle
--- On: 10/17/2008 21:12:20.000
- AIDASite subclass of SwazooSite, renamed from Site. Don''t forget to load Swazoo 2.2beta5 first with manualy renaming classes!
--- On: 10/17/2008 11:04:42.000
- WARNING: WebSessionManager allInstances nillAppsForObjects !
- -Ajax improvements:
- - Ajax post send fieldName=field343 to identify field always, for checkboxes too
- - WebChecBox now works for Ajax unselections too
- - WebElement onClickReload a whole page
- - WebFormElement onChangeReload whole page
- - WebAplication ajaxUpdateOfOld:for: copy id of old element to Ajax refreshed new one
- - WebApplication versionFromRequest also for Ajax requests!
- - WebAutocompleteField addSetupScript adjusted because above
- - #myPage redirect after login settings in AIDASite added
- - no more **** returned by #passwordText in WebUser, Person
- - OrganizationUnit allJobRolesDownHierarchy
- - WebSessionManager
- - nilAppsForObjects to release all application state of sessions
- - allNonactiveGuestSessions
- -HTTPPost postDataKesNotStreamed
--- On: 10/07/2008 10:12:54.000
- -WebSession removeNonactiveGuestSessions added
- -- allNonActiveGuestSessions added
- - patch: FileProxy #elements don''t call releaseContent (recursion!)
--- On: 10/06/2008 9:45:57.000
- - FileProxy at refreshContent also releaseContent in case size is now higher and we don''t cache anymore.
- - AIDASite statistics /stats.html, no /stat.html!
- - WebStatsApp tabsReferersElement ''This week'', not That week
--- On: 09/15/2008 10:57:42.000
- - uuid not just hash but random in range 0-1G, stored in instvar other (WebUser, Party)
- - WebPage favicon in page header, not only to /favicon.ico by default
--- On: 09/02/2008 11:44:48.000
- -WebRichEditor contentStyleUrl - only default one, no screen.css added
--- On: 09/02/2008 11:30:14.000
- - String asHttpFriendly, usefull specially for Url composition (like in preferedUrl). Converts all non Url friendly characters to ''-''.
- - all preferedUrl corrected with above
--- On: 08/21/2008 10:17:30.000
- - WebFieldSet label in Unicode
AIDA/Web 6.0 beta 1
--- On 21 August 2008 7:23:59 pm
--- On 13 July 2008 7:07:34 pm
- /ping.html for "heartbeat" monitoring of website. Those pings are not counted. See AidaSite answerTo: and HTTPResponse isPing
- WebAdminApp viewWakeupRichEditor, Scriptaculous for prefetching JS libs and other for faster open of rich text editor
- major refactoring: aRequest parameter added to printWebPAge.., printHTMLPage and lot of WebAppliction methods, instead of use of aSession lastRequest, which is unreliable where concurrent requests are processed.
--- On 24 June 2008 3:27:51 am
--- On 7 June 2008 6:13:28 pm
- WebCaptcha added
- major refactoring of WebSessionManager, instvar activeSessions renamed to sessions, other two dictionaries removed. a lot of methods renamed or removed. Now the manager is really simple and comprehensible.
- SwazooServer wathdog methods to Swazoo
--- On 8 May 2008 12:09:23 am
- Improved WebGrid
- New WebGrid CSS
--- On 4 May 2008 5:20:23 am
- Improved WebComponent/WebElement separation: WebComponent call #build method
--- On 6 April 2008 3:58:18 am
- Better internationalization support (full japanese support)
--- on 2 April 2008 11:52:09 pm
- Splitted WebStyle into 2 classes: Webtyle (now an abstract class), and DefaultWebStyle, which is the new default style.
- WebStyle>>allCssPrintMethods and allCssScreenMethods to add methods from super classes only if #addSuperStyles returns true
- Better cross-dialect file support using SPort
--- On 31 March 2008 5:33:30 pm
- Improved scriptaculous integration
- Some translations to english
- Improved WebIndex
--- On 9 March 2008 9:04:59 am
- better internationalization support
--- On 7 March 2008 11:37:15 pm
- Security improvements : passwords are stored as a hashed string
- added DOCTYPE
- Implemented AIDASite class>>default for not causing DNU.
- SwazooServer>>aidaStart will set default instance of AIDASite
- bug fixes